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‘We don’t bathe our kids with soap’ — Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher

mila kunis and asthon kutcher on not bathing kidswith soap

American power couple Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are making headlines after revealing their family bathing routine.  

The couple did this in an interview on ‘Armchair expert’, Dax Shepard and Monica Padman’s podcast. 

 The subject of bathing came up when Shepard explained his ongoing argument with Padman, where he was advising her not to wash her body with soap. “You should not be getting rid of all the natural oil on your skin with a bar of soap every day, It’s insane,” he argued.

It came as a shock to Padman when Kunis and Kutcher agreed with her co-host.

“I don’t wash my body with soap every day,”Kunis revealed. “But I wash pits and tits and holes and soles.” 

On the other hand, Kutcher stated, “I wash my armpits and my crotch daily, and nothing else ever,”

“I got a bar of Lever 2000 that just delivers every time. Nothing else.”

A surprised Padman  replied that she was shocked she was in the minority on the show of washing my whole body in the shower. “Who taught you to not wash?” she asked.

According to superstar actress, Kunis, this tradition began as a matter of circumstance. “I didn’t have hot water growing up as a child,” she recalled, “so I didn’t shower very much anyway.”

Kunis continued this habit when she became a mom to daughter Wyatt, 6, and son Dimitri, 4.

“When I had children, I also didn’t wash them every day. I wasn’t the parent that bathed my newborns—ever,” she stated.

Shepard also added that he and his wife, Kristen Bell only bathed their daughters when they were still newborns, as part of a nighttime routine.

“We could care less about their cleanliness, We haven’t washed them since. It’s been like six years.”

To that Kunis replied that she and her husband feel the same way. Her husband agreed saying, “Here’s the thing—if you can see the dirt on ’em, clean ’em. Otherwise, there’s no point.”

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have been married for six years. The union has produced two children so far. 

Kids First


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