Home Buzzing Michael B Jordan Met with DC to Discuss Playing Superman

Michael B Jordan Met with DC to Discuss Playing Superman

Michael B Jordan Superman
Photo: Salman Artworks

Rumour has it that about a year ago, DC was considering casting Michael B Jordan as the next Superman. It turns out the rumours were true as Variety has confirmed that the ‘Creed’ actor indeed met with the studio about taking the role.

According to the report, “there was a meeting with Michael B. Jordan earlier this year with the Creed star pitching Warners on a vision for the character.

“However, Jordan isn’t ready to commit to taking on the project since filming doesn’t seem likely to happen for several years and he has a full dance card of projects.”

Sadly, we might not get to see Michael B Jordan play Superman any time soon. But even if he were to take up the role, would it get a good reception?

A lot of outrage hits the internet whenever a studio tries to cast a person of colour in a historically white role. You see it in the overanalysis of the James Bond character when news came of Idris Elba playing the fictional character.

The racism becomes even more blatant when you look at the comments from Disney’s announcement of Halle Bailey as Ariel in the remake of ‘The Little Mermaid’.

White audiences cry “erasure” when the movie industry tries to be more inclusive. Yet, they would not bat an eye when thousands of stories by and for people of colour are severely whitewashed.

White people have even gone as far as using makeup to alter their appearances so as to avoid hiring POCs. The double standard and racism are palpable.

But we won’t have to deal with that here; not at least for a year.

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