Maverick entertainer, Charly Boy has penned an open letter to his daughter, Dewy Oputa, as he apologised for disclosing her sexuality.
Recall that some days ago, the controversial musician, in a series of tweets, disclosed that one of his daughters is a lesbian.
While expressing how hurting the news of his daughter’s lesbianism, is to him, Charly Boy stated that it took him months to come to terms with the reality of his daughter’s sexuality.
“I am close with my children and I love them to bits. They are my friends. But I wasn’t really ready for the ‘breaking news’ my Princess Dewy had for me. When my child told me she is gay, a lesbian, I experienced a range of emotions, during that phone conversation.
“So many things went through my mind, one of them included self-blame (did I do something wrong?) (the child I thought I knew and loved no longer exists.), worry (will my child be discriminated against?) religious confusion (is my child damned to spend eternity in hell?), and stigma (what will people think of my child? of me?” he had written.
Reacting to Charly Boy’s post, Dewy expressed her disappointment in him, as she called him a hypocrite.
However, in his apology to Dewy, the activist admitted that his disclosure of her sexuality didn’t rub well on her, saying the post in which the disclosure was made, wasn’t meant for her.
“My Dear Dewy, I know the last few days may have been tough for you flowing from my Friday post “For Parents Only” on my Instagram. I apologize if my post rubbed you the wrong way, for this I am deeply sorry, my bad. Forgive me,” he apologised.
Explaining the reason for his post, Charly Boy added: “But Honestly, I was talking to parents trying to get them to understand that they can only give good advice or put their children on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.
“I came into parenting the way most of us did — knowing nothing but trying to learn everything, becos (sic), who no go no fit know. The journey of parenthood is an emotional roller-coaster, filled with happiness, sadness, worries, frustration, pride, excitement, and much more. Parenting is an amazing adventure.”