Being different for some people means that they approach things differently while it means they even physically, they are different. This is the story of 30-year-old Jlissa Austin who was born without arms, knees and with only seven toes while standing at a height of about 3’4”.
Being born different, however, has not stopped her from doing all the things her doctors predicted that who would never be able to do. She learnt how to walk and lead a normal life. But the most amazing of all, is that she has found the man of her dreams.
Her fiancee, Jonathan Shorter stands tall at 5’6” and is able-bodied. The couple has been together for 13-years, so long so that Shorter in a recent interview states that he sees himself and Austin as a team.
Austin runs a successful weave business with Shorter acting as her support system. They both live in an apartment in Texas, United States.
The couple are planning to get married sometime in 2019.
Watch a video of them below: