Home Showbiz Movies Wizard of Waverly Place is 12 years Old

Wizard of Waverly Place is 12 years Old


Wizards Of Waverly Place remains in our hearts.

12 years ago today, the Disney Show “Wizards Of Waverly Place : The Movie” premiered on Disney Channel. The show starred pop icon Selena Gomez, which pushed her into superstardom.

The Russo Family of Wizards

It received 11.4 million viewers at its premiere, making it second most viewed Disney Original at the time.

The movie won multiple awards, including an Emmy. The show gave birth to many of our favorite actors including David Henrie and Jake T Austin. The actors played the role of Alex Russo’s brothers, Justin and Max.

The Disney sitcom centered around a family out of the ordinary. The Russo family were a of wizards living in the city of New York. As Alex, Max and Justin continue to master their powers in order to acquire the family wand, Jerry Russo and his wife run a subway station in New York, an attempt to live a normal life.

The show had four seasons and 109 episodes of laughter, emotion and the adventures of Alex Russo and her family.

In the movie, Wizards of Waverly Place, The Russo family battle for the title of ‘family wizard.’ The winner will become a full wizard, and the loser gets nothing while losing their powers forever. Despite Alex and Justin engaging in what turns out to be an intense battle, Alex narrowly wins.

Alex takes the title as the family wizard, forcing Justin to give his powers up. However, Justin got to keep his powers, courtesy of the headmaster at the wizard school.

Wizards of Waverly Place : The movie was fun, entertaining and comforting enough for a family TV night.

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