Home Showbiz Movies Why You Should Watch More Foreign-Language Films

Why You Should Watch More Foreign-Language Films


Foreign-language films are becoming an increasingly popular Netflix category for a good reason. Many people may not like to go through the hassle of reading subtitles, but here are some valid reasons why foreign films are worth exploring.

1. Culture
City of God (2002)

When you watch films from a country that does not speak your language, you get to experience a completely different culture. It is like being transported to a world that was previously outside of your consciousness. You get to know how we are all different in some ways and the same in others; promoting open-mindedness and understanding.

2. Perspective
foreign-language films
Parasite (2019)

Foreign films tend to approach stories from a completely different perspective. They can take the same trope that you have seen countless times and spin it in a direction you have never considered. In a nutshell, with a difference in the method of storytelling, foreign films can help you see life through a different lens.

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3. Language
foreign films
Bong Joon Ho accepting the 2020 Oscar Award for Best Foreign Film

If you’re looking to earn how to speak a foreign language, there is no easier way than to watch their films and practice your understanding of the language by turning off the subtitles. You might not learn how to formally read or write, but you can pick up a lot of day to day phrases from foreign films.

4. Music
foreign-language films
Kimi no na Wa (2016)

Music, like love, is a universal language and you can deeply relate to a song without knowing what the lyrics are. Before we become logical beings, we are first emotional; which is why music is used to set the tone for movie scenes. And you can discover a whole new world of music you didn’t know you needed just by watching foreign-language films; as they usually have amazing soundtracks.

5. Humanity
foreign films
Roma (2018)

Unlike the highly commercialized worlds of Hollywood, Nollywood, and Bollywood, foreign films tend to focus more on human drama; exploring the depths of emotions and the complexities of relationships. In stepping down from the testosterone fests of action and the cheesiness of romance, you can discover things about humanity and about yourself.

If you’re looking to expand your horizon with foreign films, you can start checking off this list of amazing movies.

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