Music superstar, Zlatan, in an interview with PAN, said people refer to him as a street boy due to his poor background.
The Zanku dance pioneer explained that he grew up with nothing but his talent.
While maintaining that he’s proud of his background which makes people refer to him as a street boy, Zlatan said he intentionally talk about it in his music to also motivate those that are still on the streets.

“In Nigeria, what people refer to as ‘street’ are the underdogs, people that are actually struggling. The less privileged people, people that come from nothing to something. You have talent, but it’s hard because you’re a street boy. Why I’m referred to as a street rapper is because I used to be a street boy that had nothing, that had little opportunity. I just had talent. I had to hustle my way to the top in order to have money to go to the studio. Most of the time, when I’m singing, I connect back to those people. I’m from there, so I say things that people from there can connect to. I share my stories so that people can also strive hard and get motivated,” he said.
When asked if the streets give him the personality he is now, Zlatan responded: “Yeah. I knew from my time that as a street boy, if you don’t fight for yourself, no one is gonna fight for you. My personality is different. Right now, I’m trying to re-brand, so it doesn’t look like a street rapper can’t cross over.”