Home Arts News Why I turn down some film roles — Ayo Adesanya

Why I turn down some film roles — Ayo Adesanya


Nollywood actress Ayo Adesanya has revealed certain reasons why she turned down taking up some roles in Nigerian movie Industry.

In an interview with Punch, the actress stated that she turned some movie roles due to underpayment involved in taking up such roles.

She also disclosed that she considers the movie director before featuring in a movie.

The actress said, “I turn down lots of movie roles. Sometimes, it could be because of the money. One cannot really be paid what one is worth. But then, you need to pay something so that my soul can release my talent. When one is not well paid, one will do it grudgingly. People just see one on the screen, they don’t want to know if one is well paid or not.

“Secondly, I also consider the director when deciding to feature in a movie. If you want me to feature in a movie, I would ask you who the director is. I would also check the director’s track records.

“If I see what the person has done and I am satisfied, I would probably come on board. If I see what the person has done and I am not satisfied, I have refused some jobs because of that. My instincts sometimes tell me what to do. It is better to drop the script if one knows it won’t work for one.”

The actress further advised celebrities not to do bizarre things in the name of fame. She continued “If one does something bizarre in the name of fame, one is practically looking for one’s destruction.

“Some people just want to do what no one has done before all because they want to stand out. At times such things could be weird, but it’s just for the ‘show.’ It is only God that can give fame. One probably could just sneeze and God would make one famous.”

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