Vortex Animation, a subdivision of Vortex Daily, is set to launch its latest animated series titled, “Orange City” created by Somto Ajuluchukwu. The series is an obsessive and hilarious entourage-esque project that seeks to present the Lagos entertainment lifestyle in the most realistic animated form.
“Orange City” follows the story of an ever-optimistic and popular musician, Wahala, who lives with his “ex-military grandmother”. After his uncle, a well-known politician invests in his Indie record label, Orange City, Wahala and his team embark on a hilarious and revealing journey.
Speaking about “Orange City”, Somto Ajuluchukwu shared; “I’m inspired by Seth MacFarlane and Matt Groening, and so I wanted to create a story that adults could connect to, using elements of our culture such as our music, politics and street culture.”
The creators have gone on to describe the animated series as an overdue representation of Lagos. With this project, they hope to create international appeal while staying true to core values and roots. Using the perspective of a celebrity, the show also explores the effects of popular culture on the average Nigerian.
No official date has been scheduled for the premiere.
See trailer below;