The Kalahari Review makes calls for submission for its monthly Igby Prize for nonfiction.
Each month the Kalahari Review follows a new theme, the theme for this month’s nonfiction contest is “where we live and why.” For the purposes of this contest, non-fiction is defined as: “Writing that is about facts or real events” and “The branch of literature comprising works of narrative prose dealing with or offering opinions or conjectures upon facts and reality, including biography, history, memoir and the essay. It is opposed to fiction and distinguished from poetry.”
The deadline for this month’s entries is 20th of August. All submissions should be emailed to: editor@kalaharireview.com. The subject line of the email should state the artist’s name and title of the work.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the KR Team: editor@kalaharireview.com.