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Ready to be surprised? Samuel L. Jackson names his top five Samuel L. Jackson movies.

Samuel L. Jackson

One of the most popular actors on the planet today, Samuel L. Jackson has appeared in over 100 films since his career began.

He’s currently the highest-grossing actor of all time with his movies bringing in a collective $27 billion worldwide. For someone whose career has spanned over 30 years and has basically been in everything, you would assume it’ll be a challenge to pick his top five. Well, not for Samuel L. Jackson.

On Wednesday’s The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Jackson confirmed that, unlike some actors, he watches all his movies.

“Some actors lie to you about that. They watch their movies,” Jackson said. “It’s a ‘watch me’ business, that’s why we’re here. If I’m channel surfing and I haven’t found anything I want to watch, or not specifically looking for something, and I pass something I’m in, I stop and watch it.” He also added.

The host, Steven Colbert took that and went a step further by asking Jackson to name his top five Samuel L. Jackson movies. And for a guy who was a big part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and has basically been in everything, his list might not be what you would quite expect.

Here’s his list,

The Long Kiss Goodnight

A Time To Kill

Jackie Brown

Red Violin

One Eight Seven


ALSO READ: Samuel L. Jackson Traces His Ancestral Roots Back to Gabon

However, there’s one important bit to notice from this five selections. All five movies were released between 1996 and 1998. That would mean this period was a pretty memorable time for Jackson in his career.

Watch Jackson and Colbert here
Samuel L. Jackson Shares His Top Five Favorite Samuel L. Jackson Movies

Jackson also shared his top five movies that do not include him. According to the actor, The Raid, The Godfather, Hard Boiled, Hoodlum, and The Berlin File were his five picks.

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