Home Arts News Rape: D’banj Never Kidnapped Nor Intimidated Seyitan Babatayo -Segalink

Rape: D’banj Never Kidnapped Nor Intimidated Seyitan Babatayo -Segalink

Rape: D'banj Never Kidnapped Nor Intimidated Seyitan Babatayo -Segalink

Popular social media activist, Segun Awosanya, otherwise known as Segalink, has explained that embattled singer,  Dapo Oyebanjo aka D’banj, never kidnapped his rape accuser, Seyitan Babatayo, neither did he intimidate her with policemen as claimed.

Recall that some days ago, eelive.ng reported that Babatayo said D’banj connived with some policemen to kidnap her and compel her to take down the posts on social media, where she called out the singer and accused him of raping her.


Contrary to Babatayo’s narration of what transpired between her and D’banj after accusing him of rape, Segalink, in a series of tweets, stated that Babatayo, her mum, and lawyers lodged at a hotel, in a bid to settle the case out of court and make peace with D’banj.

Ruling out the earlier statement by Babatayo that she was kidnapped and intimidated by policemen on the orders of D’banj, Segalink expressed his conviction that Babatayo has certain things that are yet-to-be-revealed, as he stated that he is not on the side of those beating the drums of war over the case.

While revealing that Babatayo’s camp is made up of a feminist coven trying to push an agenda with the matter, Segalink advised that they should not let their selfish agenda becloud D’banj’s rape accuser’s interest.

Segalink’s tweets read in part; “Seyitan came to us first when this broke out. Her first complaint was about the DPO of the Bar Beach Police station who she said treated her unfairly and she was comforted and asked by me to relax that her complaint will be taken up. I had my reasons.

“I told her to go home with her friend that I was going to report the officer and also engage her with one of our Organization’s legal team lead. We had a conference call that evening & we took notes repeating the same advisory. Go home and relax.

Seyitan Babatayo
Seyitan Babatayo

“The next call that came a day later was to notify me of the response of Dbanj’s team to her concerns online and also the criminal defamation letter, which I believe was unfair and responded publicly to. Still I asked that she takes her time and relax till she is able to document.

“For those who don’t understand the rules of engagement, there is nothing actionable that you can obtain from someone whose emotional state is unstable. The stories will be shifty & inconsistent as the sequence of events will not make sense. Thus the need for her to be ready.

“But beyond the preparation for cases based on an allegation that is still fuzzy, it was important to know what her prayers were. What gives her closure and what does she see as Justice. I felt if the findings about her connection with the team was anything to go by, they’ll call.

“If you are a good scientist, you don’t go into an experiment with a desired outcome in mind. It will be prejudiced and you will learn nothing. So in every case I divorce my interest and focus more on Justice as defined by the vulnerable involved and this begins with the truth.

“While we were navigating the action plan on this, I was informed by Seyitan that a friend of hers got her a Lawyer. As puzzled as I was, I said there is no problem if you are happy having another representation. They she added that they made her sign a retainer and I got pissed.

“Having realized how disturbed you are emotionally, we never obligated you yet someone got to make you sign a binding document before representation? Anyways, I said let’s see the angle of the lawyer and let’s know how we can help. At this point a criminal defamation letter has been published by Dbanj’s team and a response was necessary since they didn’t give her the courtesy of an audience given their acquaintance. I never knew the Lawyer also noticed her emotional state and knew she could change her mind thus the need to obligate her.

“When she spoke about how the lawyer acted, which I knew was for her good later, I wasn’t pleased and I made her know that it wad unprofessional but this can be worked out still. She told me her lawyer wants her to settle and I got pissed again. Asking her for her own prayers.

“We had a conference call with the lawyer and that call was the most annoying this year. So I told her to do as her lawyer says if this is what she wants and only call when she is in need of help. Promising her of my support regardless of what she decides to do. It’s her call.

“The next thing I saw were calls and texts about her being arrested and detained. I was told she couldn’t call because her phone was taken from her. I asked the person to send me the location so I can call since it was Lagos and we finally got to know it was IRT.

“I called the contacts there but they were out of station yet they got the people on duty to respond. They said they were acting on instruction to intervene on a matter and will revert. I still couldn’t reach Seyitan but kept trying & asking where the Lawyer was.

“I even tweeted about the info on her alleged arrest and detention stating that the officers will be brought to book and that this will worsen the case…until I got to know what actually happened. The lawyer was carried along & there was even a resolution at that meeting.

“I even tweeted about the info on her alleged arrest and detention stating that the officers will be brought to book and that this will worsen the case…until I got to know what actually happened. The lawyer was carried along & there was even a resolution at that meeting.

“My fears were confirmed and the inconsistencies prove that she is not under any condition to be stressed so when they called again, I only said, please rest and call me when you are fine. I never knew there was an amicable settlement with contribution by the mum who wants peace.

“She later told me she was located by members of STER and that she will be staying with her for a bit after leaving the hotel they got her to rest in by Dbanj’s team as approved by her mum and lawyer. I recall stating that she was in good hands at STER and nothing else.

“I have always recommended SARCs for anyone dealing with trauma relating to sexual assault whether imagined or real. Psychosocial support is essential to get the individual ready to walk through whatever she can remember objectively before any further advisory.

“The receipts on the incident at IRT are also available from the invitation/arrest to resolution and agreement with the consent of the lawyer and parent. What was consistent as mentioned was the police telling her they will detain her. The sequence of this is however unverifiable.

“I say this with all consideration and care. Even the few discussions I had with Seyitan based on her concerns were misinterpreted deliberately and weaponized as me preventing Seyitan from listening to the Feminist Coven’s instructions or advisory. The discussion wasn’t new, I was simply reaffirming what I told her when she first came. I simply asked what her prayers were. When the time is right you will hear from credible parties on our role how transparent it was even to the point of featuring her in a documentary but she wasn’t there yet.

“When these people told me via different sources what they heard, as credited to me, claiming they were quoting Seyitan’s words, I was disappointed as this corroborated other patterns of inconsistencies. When I asked Seyitan she said it was all a misunderstanding.

“I have no grouse with Seyitan and I will always support her regardless but I believe she is under undue influence on this matter with elements that wants to use her for their own agenda. There is no malice in making a case but this I maintain must be the will of the individual.

“So pardon me if I don’t align with the forces beating the drums of war on this matter. There are complications that need to concern each and everyone with Seyitan’s interest at heart. Allow her to rest and see mountains as mountains and rivers as rivers. Stop the push & shove.

“Allow those assisting her to do their best and let her be free to make her own decision. Go out there and let something happen to you too, then bring your personal case out here to wash publicly. This lady has been through a lot emotionally.

“She is most likely afraid to admit many things to those who might have committed their efforts on this matter and desires certain outcomes, this her need to say things a certain way to avoid a backlash. I won’t begrudge her. Not in her condition. But please let her be.”

Meanwhile, the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) had denied reports that some officers detained Babatayo, on the orders of D’banj.

According to a police source, D’banj reported on three separate occasions at FCID for interrogation and statement, while Babatayo repeatedly refused to show up.

The source further revealed that her non-appearance led to the prompt dispatch of officers by the Force CID to Lagos, to invite her for written statement and interrogation on the alleged rape incident.

The security official insisted that the alleged rape victim was only invited to give her written statement and also to be interrogated as it was necessary for her to come forward to give a statement to back up her accusation.

Kids First


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