Home Buzzing Petition to Take Down ‘Gay Jesus’ Comedy Series Reach 1 Million

Petition to Take Down ‘Gay Jesus’ Comedy Series Reach 1 Million


A new Netflix series titled “The First Temptation Of Christ” has instigated so much uproar online that the petition to remove the gay Jesus series from Netflix now has over a million signatures.

The Netflix Christmas special comedy series depicts Jesus Christ as a homosexual. It also shows his biblical mother, Mary as a weed smoker.

The 46-minute film, The First Temptation of Christ, was released by Netflix in Brazil on December 3. But immediately it started streaming, it sparked controversy.

“The First Temptation Of Christ” has been created by Brazil-based YouTube comedy group Porta dos Fundos (which translates to ‘Back Door’).

Petition Gay jesus

The Sun UK reports that the 46-minute Christmas Special depicts a weed-smoking Mary. It shows how Jesus comes home to attend his birthday party with a male friend.

So far, about 1.4 million people have signed an online petition calling on Netflix to remove the gay Jesus piece. They also petitioned for Netflix to take action against the producers for their ‘alleged insensitivity toward Christians.’

In the film, Jesus and a friend named Orlando arriving at the house of Mary and Joseph, who are throwing a birthday party for their son.

Petition Gay jesus

Jesus tries to downplay his relationship with Orlando, who hints the pair are more than just friends. The movie description on Netflix reads:

“Jesus, who’s hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family. A Christmas special so wrong, it must be from comedians Porta dos Fundos,’ the description on Netflix.”

Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of conservative Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, took to social media to denounce the satirical special. He wrote:

“We support freedom of expression, but is it worth attacking the belief of 86 percent of the population?”

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