Media personality and film producer, Pat Obilor will next Monday, stage The Queen’s Wish, the Nigerian adaptation of Williams Shakespeare‘s King Lear.
While reminiscing her role as Prince Goneril in an earlier adaptation of the play, Obilor explained that she’s keen on producing the stage play in order to explore the glories and viles of social validation and feminist power prevalence of the modern society.
In her words, “Few years ago as a theatre student, I played a major Acting role on the Arts theatre stage with one of Shakespeare’s classics, King Lear. I fell in love with the storyline and Ten 10 years fast forward, i still see the need to re-enact the story in an African (Yoruba) Play setting to explore the glories and viles of social validation and feminist power prevalent in modern society.
“Professionally in the Theatre world, before one publishes a work of Art, it is a Thespian rule to wrought a play through the stage and I have deemed it fit to take up this task.”
On the demands of producing her scripted Shakespeare adaptation, Obilor admitted that “The Queen’s Wish is a huge commercial project and embarking on this Shakespeare’s work will surely take a whole lot of creative manpower and financial resources but I am willing to take the plunge.”
Continuing, she said: “I will be working with quite a few theatre industry experts, and various creatives such as literary critics, Actors, Director and production supervisors, singers/Chanters, choreographers and dancers, set and props designers, technical and lighting professionals, makeup and costume designs, etc.”