Home Miscellaneous Obiwon Shares how he Recovered From a Life Threatening Illness

Obiwon Shares how he Recovered From a Life Threatening Illness


Remember the singer Obiwon? He is back in the news, not for a new song but for surviving a life threatening sickness.

In a lengthy post on his social media page, Obiwon testified to how God healed him from a life threatening illness that had kept him bedridden for about a year.

The post reads; “I’m thanking You, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God. Psalm 9:1?-?2 MSG.”

Giving a background on the origin of the illness he’s said: “On this day a year ago I entered what was the most trying season of my life. It was a matter of life and death. What seemed to be fever with stomach pain dovetailed into a complicated matter with my abdomen. After an initial misdiagnosis while my situation got worse, I was by a divine stroke of mercy evacuated at the nick of time as an emergency case to another hospital.”

The post continued: “On the journey to the other hospital, I could feel myself slipping. I was so weak I couldn’t talk. My stomach was bloated. I didn’t mind leaving bearing in mind the pain I had been through for about a week by then, but at that point God reminded me of my wife and children who would bear the brunt if I gave up easily.”

The artiste talked about being stabilised on arrival at the new hospital, describing it as a deep spiritual battle which he says he had seen in his dreams. However, he had shared it with a prayer  partner Tmac, and his pastor Nathaniel Bassey who had prayerfully supported him through the ordeal.

According to the post, he had thought that with the quality of medical care he had received, the battle was over meant the battle was over, “but that was as far as human knowledge and wisdom could go. There was a fight that needed to be won in the spirit.”

After the surgical procedure to evacuate the “appendiceal mass” discovered in his stomach, he was supposed to heal and stabilize which didn’t happen, and one particular night a paracetamol injection caused his heart to palpitate. The doctor in charge asked if he had a history of heart problems, which he didn’t.

“I was frustrated. I asked to be left alone. I wanted to live but my body wasn’t healing. We had prayed and prayed and received victory but I was getting worse. As I pondered what the Lord was doing and if it was my time, I heard Him whisper clearly “Spirit of Life”. I repeated in my mind that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Life. Then I hear another one: “If the Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead be in you, how much more will He quicken your mortal body.”

“Prior to this I had never personally thought of Romans 8:11 as healing scripture. It was later I connected the exact chapter and the verse what I heard was coming from. I was stirred in my spirit. I began to declare boldly that I have the Holy Spirit, He is inside of me, the same One that raised Jesus from the dead, and therefore He will quicken my body to heal as I stir Him up. With my last energies I began to sing, shout and pray aloud in tongues in that hospital.”

“This was happening at about 1am or 2am. The nurses heard me, the patients heard me but at that point I didn’t care. I was greatly stirred. It was like I had receive a great light. By the time I was done my heart palpitations stopped. At dawn one of my doctor friends came to confess to me that everyone on duty that night thought I wasn’t going to make it in the morning. She too was marvelled of how I looked strikingly better from the previous day she had seen me. From then on my health improved. In a few days I started eating and then discharged. After my discharge I still fought a few minor battles here and there but I knew the major victory had been won. God cleared all and gave me a clean bill of health.”

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