Home Buzzing Nollywood Actress Padita Agu Opens up on Failed Marriage

Nollywood Actress Padita Agu Opens up on Failed Marriage


Having promised to open up about an unknown part of her life story, Nollywood actress, Padita Agu has shared a candid experience about her failed marriage.

She revealed all in a video that was posted on her social media page.

The video which is also on Youtube had the title “How I married my ex-husband the first day I met him.”

On this very day, she had gone to her friend’s house to console her when she met her ex. Her friend later told her that the man she met when she came over was interested in her and wanted her number.

She gave in after a lot of pressure from her friend to speak to the man, even though she was in a relationship. At the time they spoke, the man was living abroad. After much communication via phone, the talk about marriage sprang up, a talk she regrets till date.

She married him the very first day she met him, fifteen years ago. She explained that the three years were miserable and she even attempted to take her life.

Coming after the post, which she already pleaded not to be criticized for, she said;

Wow!!! I am overwhelmed with love at your response, love and support. I mean I wanted it, but I wasn’t sure you’ll give it. This ordeal happened almost 15 years ago and I have lived with it. I was so ashamed and embarrassed to talk about it, for fear of people calling me STUPID.

Padita Agu

Padita Agu advised young ladies not to fall for pressure. She noted that in her case the pressure was from her loved ones and the people around her. Furthermore, she advised people not to assume that they know someone by just talking to them.

Watch video HERE

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