Home Buzzing Nigerian Dancer, Kaffy announces the death of her father

Nigerian Dancer, Kaffy announces the death of her father


Nigeria’s most celebrated dancer, Kafayat Shafau, better known as Kaffy, is mourning the death of her father.

Kaffy, taking to her Instagram page on Tuesday to mourn her late father, shared a picture of a candle with the caption“#RIP DAD”.

Kaffy’s announcement comes a day after revealing how she survived a fatal ailment.

She had written, “Lungs collapsing, eyes changing color, belly swelling, taking breathe feeling like pain. I was slipping into the dangerous sleep but mercy said no!”

“Thank you God for another chance. A lot don’t make it through these avoidable deaths. I am not better than them , I am grateful for your mercy. “Not today, said the Lord.”

“Be careful some medication can be lethargic to your system there are allergies we might not know of. God protect you all.”

Kaffy, is a Nigerian dancer, choreographer, dance instructor and fitness coach. In 2006, Kaffy broke the Guinness Book of Record for “Longest Dance Party”.

Earlier this month, kaffy revealed that media, movies and religion contributed to the collapse of marriages in the country.

She said “Marriage is not an upgrade! Having a Ph.D. is an amazing honorable feat that is admirable by all but it requires work. How much more marriage, an institution created to atomically implement kingdom agenda.

“Do we really think it’s a child’s play? We have been gravely conditioned wrong about what it is about. media, movies, culture and religion, etc played a major role in the damage we are experiencing”.

“It can be fixed if we fix our mindset towards it generally! God help us all!

“No human being is more responsible for your happiness than you! We need to audit our relationships and not all chemistry are meant for the registry.”

Kids First


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