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Monday Motivation Playlist: 5 Different Moods to Get You Through the Day

The cavemen monday motivatio playlist

It’s a brand new week and you need to get out of the slump of the weekend and hit the ground running. And whether you’re into highlife or hip-hop, here are 5 new additiond Monday motivation playlist to wake you up and keep you hyped up as you get to work.

1. Bolo Bolo by The Cavemen
The Cavemen. - Bolo Bolo (Happiness in the Cave) [Official Audio]

With the fast-paced guitars and hypnotic beats, this song by high-life duo the Cavemen is not just a party song, but a jolt of energy to the brain to inspire you to get up and go; and feel alright while you’re at it.

2. Gold Digger by Kanye West
Kanye West - Gold Digger ft. Jamie Foxx

Kicking things down a notch, this is one “golden oldie” that you can bob your head and sing along to. With funny lines peppered in and the backdrop of amazing vocals from Jamie Foxx, this song is one for the ages.

3. Alarm Clock by Burna Boy

This heavy-hitting song will not only wake you up but also keep you up. You can’t be dulling when it’s time to take the wheel, jump buses, or meet your goals. So WAKE UP!

4. The Ship and the Globe by Kae Sun

Disclaimer: This catchy tune will not hype you up. But it will keep you tapping your feet and you’ll be singing along in no time. The good vibes in this song are nothing short of contagious.

5. Suffer Suffer by Lady Donli

No song better embodies Monday motivation than this masterpiece by Lady Donli. This is bound to get you out of your slump and remind you why you’re grinding… Because you no come this life to suffer.

You can start your day with one or more of these moods and build your Monday motivation playlist as you go. Happy Monday, everyone!

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