Home Buzzing Laverne Cox Auctions Emmy’s Clutch Replica to support LGBTQ+ Charity

Laverne Cox Auctions Emmy’s Clutch Replica to support LGBTQ+ Charity

Cox Emmy's clutch

In 2019, Laverne Cox stunned at the 2019 Emmy’s when she showed up with one of the best accessories of the night: a pride-themed bespoke Edie Parker clutch.

Now, Cox is auctioning off a replica of her head-turning Emmy’s clutch to directly support the New York City Anti-Violence Project. The project serves LGBTQ and HIV-affected communities through free counselling, legal services, organizing and advocacy.

Cox Emmy's clutch

The design of the clutch she wore included the hashtag “#TRANSISBEAUTIFUL” on one side and “Oct. 8, Title VII, Supreme Court” on the other side along with rainbow colours that are representative of the traditional gay pride flag.

The date featured is a reflection of the ruling stating that the 1964 Civil Rights Act; which would protect gay, lesbian, and transgender employees from discrimination based on sex.

For the second edition of the auction, a one-of-a-kind replica clutch, valued at $2,500; is now live on Charity Buzz and will run through July 8. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the New York City Anti-Violence Project.

“Maybe it’s about raising awareness so everyone knows that our lives are in danger,” Cox said to E! during a red carpet interview at the 2019 Emmy’s.

Cox Emmy's clutch

“A lot of people aren’t talking about this case and it has implications for the LGBT community. But it has implications for women and anyone who doesn’t conform to someone else’s idea of how you should be. A man or woman or neither.”

This news comes shortly after the debut of Cox’s film, Disclosure, spotlighting transgender representation within media.

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