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Kemi Adetiba Advises Fed Govt. To Heed Safety Measures Against COVID-19

Kemi Adetiba

Nollywood filmmaker and actress Kemi Adetiba has advised the Nigerian government to take stringent safety measures and keep watchful eye in their effort to avoid wild spread of the deadly coronavirus disease.

 The TV Director took to her twitter page on Thursday to express her fears shortly after the coronavirus outbreak was declared pandemic.

Adetiba tasked the federal government not to downplay their role in ensuring tight borders to ensure the disease is kept at bare minimum.

“We can’t afford to have the virus come in, hoping we can contain if it does. It’s laughable to think that we will handle a pandemic better than the US or UK if an outbreak happens. Respect the virus.

In furtherance she said, “ If countries with better health care systems are struggling under the sheer weight and number of patients. Nigeria is ahead right now. Let’s do everything to stay that way,” she wrote.

Kemi Adetiba however raised the question: “If you have 9000 critical cases at once, what hospital will adequately take care of them? How many ventilators do we have in this country? Beds? Health care personnel?”

Ever since the coronavirus broke out in the Chinese city of Wuhan, over 4000 lives have been lost globally to the disease with over 100,000 cases confirmed across over 100 countries.

“In the past two weeks, the number of cases of COVID19 outside China has increased 13-fold & the number of affected countries has tripled,” said the World Health Organization (WHO).

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