Home Opinion Japa: Understanding why you should leave the country sooner rather than later

Japa: Understanding why you should leave the country sooner rather than later

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Japa is the colloquial term which means to abscond or runoff. Japa has become a mainstay in the Nigerian lingua Franca.

In this article, the term, ‘Japa’ would be used interchangeably with “abscond”. The aim and objective of this article are to disclose reasons why readers should see the bigger picture and seek methodologies to see outside the shore of their nation.

Indeed, it’s ideal to be patriotic, albeit, there comes a period where one needs to come to terms that one wasn’t born to struggle without necessarily accomplishing much.

The beautiful sky

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Every day isn’t about the struggle, at least, there should come a day when the sun sets on the hustle of the average Nigerian.

Here are 5 reasons to Japa, walk with me:

  1. Security/preservation of life

Blood-stained Nigerian flag

Your life isn’t guaranteed. Though Nigeria is the second most religious nation in the world, your safety isn’t guaranteed. You could be kidnapped or abducted when you least expect it.

Additionally, there have been cases of religious persecution, etc. you are in a nation where the government doesn’t consider your life noteworthy.

There have been reports of terrorist attacks across the nation, albeit, nothing has been done about it.

  1. Career path/monetary purposes

You deserve a genuine growth in your career. While trying to make ends meet, you need to see the result of your hustle and the turmoil you’re going through.

When you abscond from the populous black nation, you’ll be allowed to diversify your ambition and make something of yourself financially.

  1. Adventure/fun

Don’t you want to see the rooftops of beautiful cities? Stare at the Statue of Liberty in the United States of America, take a photo in front of Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, or a pay visit to the Eiffel Tower in France.

Hey, there are so many beautiful scenes outside of Nigeria. There is so much happiness that comes with waking up next with the love of your life in Santorini, Maldives, etc.

Think about this.

  1. Educational purposes/mainstream exposure

The Nigerian education system is playing catchup, therefore you should seek what is more advanced. Go for excellence, thrive for lessons that would put you among the top 1% in your field.

Do not limit your education simply to the lessons from the four walls of your below-par classroom in Nigeria.

  1. Freshness/wellness

This is for those who are epicurean; those who are hedonistic and like to show off. Those who like to step on necks on social media, it’s a flex when you flaunt your fresh photos taken from outside Nigeria on your various social media platforms.

It’s no demeaning statement when should I mention that the atmosphere overseas is better than that in our nation.

Hey, I know you’re patriotic, albeit, look at the current state of our nation, does the future look promising to you?

At ease, I hope this article inspires you to do the needful.

Kids First


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