Home Buzzing Idris Elba Argues Against Removing Racist TV Shows and Movies

Idris Elba Argues Against Removing Racist TV Shows and Movies

Idris Elba racist

As movies and television shows rethink their past material; opting to edit out scenes or remove episodes that depict offensive and racist content, actor Idris Elba is making a case against that form of censorship.

In a recent interview with Radio Times, Idris Elba said racist content should remain available to viewers in order to serve an educational purpose regarding offensive and outdated viewpoints. The British actor also suggested including a warning to alert viewers beforehand.

“I’m very much a believer in freedom of speech,” Elba said. “But the thing about freedom of speech is that it’s not suitable for everybody.”

Idris Elba racist

The Emmy-nominee pointed to the current rating system and how certain content is deemed suitable based on age.

“To mock the truth, you have to know the truth. But to censor racist themes within a show, to pull it – wait a second, I think viewers should know that people made shows like this,” Elba added. “I believe that we should be allowed to say what we want to say. Because, after all, we’re story-makers.”

More importantly, Elba believes that erasing such content makes it impossible to learn from it.

“Out of respect for the time and the movement, commissioners and archive-holders pulling things they think are exceptionally tone-deaf at this time – fair enough and good for you,” he argued.

Idris Elba racist

“But I think, moving forward, people should know that freedom of speech is accepted. But the audience should know what they’re getting into.”

Several television shows, like The Golden Girls, Scrubs, and 30 Rock, have publicly removed episodes; those containing blackface or other forms of racial insensitivity from their catalogue. However, Elba says this does not help anybody.

“I don’t believe in censorship,” the 47-year-old concluded.

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