Idris Elba, British movie star has come forth to give an health update after testing positive to coronavirus.
The actor indicated that he and his wife, Sabrina, are two weeks into their quarantines and itching to go home to London.
He also said he and Sabrina, who also tested positive for Covid-19, might be “immune” to the disease for a while.

“Hoping everyone is coping with this $@@!! Currently still quarantine..,” he wrote on Twitter. “Sab and I still feel ok so far with no changes. Dr told us that after quarantine we will be immune for a certain time since our antibodies fought this.”
Elba announced on March 16, that he tested positive for the deadly virus after being exposed to someone else who tested positive hinting that it was Canadian First Lady Sophie Trudeau. At the time he said he had no symptoms, but got tested due to his proximity to the infected person. In his new health update, he said he had body aches and a headache the day that he got tested; but those were his most severe symptoms.