American rapper T.I‘s most- priced possession is his daughter, Deyjah Harris‘ virginity test. Recently, the rapper was a guest on the ‘Ladies Like Us’podcast.
He admitted that he escorts his daughter to a gynecologist exam every year for her hymen to be checked, a statement that has provoked outrage.
“Usually like the day after the (birthday) party, she’s enjoying her gifts, I put a sticky note on her door: ‘Gyno. Tomorrow. 9:30‘, T. I, whose real name is Clifford Harris, told the presenters.
Harris said that his daughter was required to sign a waiver allowing the doctor to share the “results” with him. The female hosts Nazanin Mandi and Nadia Moham laugh at Harri‘s comments, jokingly referring to his daughter as a “prisoner”,
In addition, the 39 year old rapper said he has been informed that the hymen can be broken through numerous activities, not just sex penetration, but he tells the doctor:
“She don’t ride no horses, she don’t ride no bike, she don’t play no sports, Just check the hymen, please, and give me back my results expeditiously.”
According to him, it is very important to him that his teenage daughter Deyjah Harris has not had sex yet.
His comments come a year after the World Health Organisation (WHO), UN Human Rights, and the UN women called on governments to ban ‘virginity testing’ globally.
This violates several human rights and ethical standards including the fundamental principal in medicine to do no harm.
Since the rapper made this comments, there have been hundreds of repulsive tweets and backlash on social media. The females have expressed their disgusts at his possessive and controlling behavior.
“This is horrible on so many levels,” Jenifer Gunter a prominent gynecologist tweeted.
Whether this message is for any man who cares to listen, TI should bury his head in shame. However, Harris has liked multiple tweets condemning her father’s behavior.