We spend a lot of time in our favorite clothes so it’s impossible that we’re never, ever going to mess them up. You never see stains coming but they seem to have you targeted (like the grease that jumps right out of the pan onto your shirt!).
Instead of replacing clothing at the first sign of stains, why not use these 7 stain removing hacks to keep your favorite clothes fresh and fixed.
Hairspray Will Remove A Lipstick Stain:
Spray hairspray on the lipstick stain and let it settle for a few minutes before putting the item in the washing machine.

Use A Permanent maker To Cover Bleach Stains:
Permanent marker works pretty fast in fixing bleach stain on clothes. Just get a marker that goes with the clothe and carefully Blot out the stain.

Use Shaving Foam To Remove Make-Up Stains:
Some make up products are water resistant. It just won’t go away. However, shaving foam has proven to be efficient in removing these stains.Squeeze some on the area, allow it to set for a while before washing.

White Wine Removes Red Wine:
Wine stains can be a pain the ass. Don’t let a mere evening hangout deprive you of your favorite clothes.Pour a considerable quantity on the affected area and watch it bleach.

Talcum Powder Removes Oil Stains
Because oil and water don’t mix, it is very hard sometimes to remove oil stains from clothes. But here is an easy way out- Talcum powder! Apply the talc to the area and leave it over night.

Cold Water And Vinegar Will Remove Stains From Leather
This mixture will remove stains form leather without causing any damage.

Salt Removes Wet Stains
Make sure to completely cover the stain and let sit for an hour. The salt will absorb the stain and can be easily brushed off afterwards.Salt is the preferred stain removal method, but works best when applied within two minutes of spillage. If the stain has not yet completely soaked into the fabric, the salt crystals should easily absorb the wet stain.

By Samiah Olabimpe