Home Opinion For Broke Boys Only: Understanding why you shouldn’t reunite with your ex-girlfriend...

For Broke Boys Only: Understanding why you shouldn’t reunite with your ex-girlfriend (Viewer’s Discretion)-3

Understanding why you shouldn’t reunite with your ex-girlfriend

In this episode of For Broke Boys Only, the author would be admonishing the reader, who is probably a lover boy to never take back a cheating partner or a girlfriend who has left him in the abyss of loneliness. Though, you might be a broke boy, but you are not a fool.

You are about to make one of the most insane mistakes in your life should you decide to reunite with your former partner. I guarantee you, the lover boy that you would shed blood and never forgive yourself for choosing to reunite with the lady who disregarded your existence and demeaned your self-esteem to spend time with someone new.

Never be caught searching for pearl in a bin; fix new stories and create a new experience with someone new for yourself. In case you don’t get the drift, here is how your former partner surreptitiously left you:

Girl Meets Boy And Vice Versa…

So, Felix has informed your homegirl, Anita that he has a crush on her; he mentioned that he would like them to create something worthwhile as he admires her beauty and feminity. At the commencement, Anita was indifferent, she didn’t hint that she was going to give him a chance, she proved stubborn, perhaps, she believes in what you both have and would like to keep building with you, albeit, you’re broke.

Simply put, you haven’t put yourself together yet, hence, she is gradually garnering excuses in her mind while the relationship with you wouldn’t work out.

You’re 26, you reside with your mum and you don’t even know how to drive yet. These excuses keep budding in her mind, she’s beginning to see a thousand and one reasons to give her work colleague, Felix a chance.

As time goes on, she’s receptive to his warm embrace- his hugs, his pecks and kisses on her forehead as they hangout at night. Meanwhile, you’re in your bedroom struggling to understand what is going on in your ephemeral relationship- it was once rosy and you two were almost inseparable, oh well, life is just about to happen to what you cherish the most.

While you’re ruminating on how the relationship is falling apart while in your mum’s house, your mother is equally disappointed at her 26-year-old son who is broke and cannot make something of himself. You don’t earn enough money, also, your babe is falling farther away from you. She’s falling into the arms of her work colleague, Mr Felix.


How Can A Broke Boy Afford A Dinner Date?… Well, Mr Felix Can

When you dial the phone of your baby girl at night, she’s either on another call or her number is busy- she’s just doesn’t pick up either way neither does she return your call. It is the beginning of the end for the both of you, albeit, you are a warrior and a fighter, you have read so many Shakespearean novels, hence, you believe you would die as ‘Romeo’ for your ‘Juliet’.

Fair enough, my dear friend.


Sex Night…

the night your partner was away from you

As you’re panicking about the status of relationship, your baby girl is in the showers engaging in an intense coitus with her work colleague, Mr Felix. His manhood is deep in her feminine essence as she screams in excitement, you guessed right, she can’t get enough of his heinous penetrations on his bedsheets.

He splits her delectable legs apart like the red sea as he voraciously consumes the snail between her thighs. Of course, her heart is no longer home, it has been abducted by the nefariousness of Felix’s third leg. As his magic wand slips out of her ocean of deep secret, she winces and moans before she inserts the joystick back into herself with immediate effect.

For A Broke Boy, You Will Always Be the Last Resort

Disappointment awaits

Your babe has had the time of her life with Felix, unfortunately, Felix is done with her, hence, he has kicked her to curb. Guess who is coming back to?

Yup, you already know, you… you are her last resort. The lover boy who left for a man who only wanted to satisfy his sexual urge.

She is back, she has texted you, “hey, stranger” and your head is swelling once again. The love of your life is back into your arms, you have fought a good fight. While she wants her spot back in your life, do not make the mistake of giving her that opportunity.

Understand that you had a great time while you both dated, however, you mustn’t take her back.

A pictorial evidence of what you’ll experience should you reunite with your ex-partner

You are allowed to forgive her and make peace with it; however, you must maintain a form of self-respect and dignity regardless of your affection. Remember, your life is your number one business, fix your financial status and mental wellness.

You are broke, you are not a moron.

Kids First


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