Home Opinion For Broke Boys Only: Seasons do come to an end, know when...

For Broke Boys Only: Seasons do come to an end, know when to let go- 7


For Broke Boys Only is written to aid the young brothers across the street to understand the importance of pursuing excellence and staying focused on a goal regardless of what they find themselves.

In this episode of For Broke Boys Only, we would be recognizing the importance of being conscious about the end of a phase; the commencement of another and how to let go and embrace the new.

This is the episode of For Broke Boys Only where the reader is admonished to become more aware about everything that he is going through. Life comes at you fast, one time you are at the peak of your youth, the next moment, you’ve lost everything that once made you beautiful.


Friends have made decisions that have pulsated them to the next of their lives, family members no longer reside in mother’s house and the era where you were the most beloved has come to a conclusion. Dear friend, understand the principle of seasons.

Seasons come to an end, you could hate it or love it, it’s the law of nature, nothing would remain in an absolute state. Nothing was the same, note, everything would evolve; night transitions into a day as the sun would definitely retire to give way to the emergence of the moon.

On Relationships…

Enjoy your relationship with the love of your life, today is a beautiful day, tomorrow, your lover might turn against you. They are not necessarily your enemies, the season of your love affair just came to an abrupt end.

Hey, you can’t fight nature, you can do your best, albeit, once th clock strikes midnight, you must know when to say goodnight.

To the broke young man, here is all I have to say to you. Enjoy each moment as life comes at you.

Kids First


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