In case you missed the previous episode of For Broke Boys Only, kindly check it out here.
For Broke Boys Only is aimed at predominantly inspiring and admonishing the burgeoning young man never to give up on life regardless of how tedious and blurry everything might seem. Maintain composure and keep seeking excellence daily.
Being broke or relatively poor isn’t a bad thing, albeit, it’s a dangerous thing to remain a low income for major parts of your life. It affects you mentally and emotionally; additionally, it influences your relationship with people and your perception of life.
For Broke Boys Only is aimed at adjusting how you view life and understanding that you can make everything within your heart, don’t take this life of yours for granted. It is important to note that the writer of the column is equally a young man who is daily trying to make something of himself, hence, let’s walk through this journey together.
May the good Lord help us.
In this episode, we would be discussing the importance of making money- how it can and would buy happiness, earn you respect and make your life easy.
Money isn’t everything, albeit, the absence of money isn’t anything. In terms of religion, they would state that “money is vanity”, interestingly, “poverty is always vanity”, therefore, pick your vanity astutely.
Indeed, money cannot buy joy, peace of mind and health, but it can help to make your life comfortable; yes, money buys comfort, takes you on some of the finest trip in the nicest vehicles and acquires you asset, gold bracelets and other beautiful ornaments.
Let no one lie to you, money buys happiness. Money helps you aid the dreams and aspirations of other people, additionally, you are able to influence decision making with your wealth.
Dear friend, pursue excellence, value and watch money fall through for you like coins in the couch. Secure the bag, amass wealth and be a blessing unto other people in your vicinity, this is the aim and objective of acquiring funds.
People often say, “money cannot buy happiness”, this isn’t the ideal mindset to harbor. You must embody the mindset that money is a quintessential tool that helps to drive creativity, empowerment and personal growth. Do not kid yourself, you need funds, don’t cap yourself.
In case you’re looking for skills to help you achieve your financial objectives, read the piece below: