Home Showbiz Movies FESPACO: Female Senegalese Filmmaker, Angèle Diabang wins bronze boot

FESPACO: Female Senegalese Filmmaker, Angèle Diabang wins bronze boot

credit: Confidentiel Afrique

Senegalese filmmaker, Angele Diabang on Saturday received the bronze foal in the Best Short Fiction category at the just concluded Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou (FESPACO).

She won the award for her film, An air of Kora, a trophy and a financial envelope at the 26th edition of FESPACO at the Ouaga 2000 sports palace. She got the award in the company of her compatriot Khadidiatou Sow who won the art doll (second prize for the best short fiction) for the film, A place in the plan 

The award ceremony took place in the presence of Chiefs of State of Burkinabé Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, Rwandese Paul Kagamé and Mali Ibrahima Boubacar Keïta.

Other awards given out at FESPACO, 2019 include:

Long fiction films

 Yennenga’s stand of standards: “The Mercy of the Jungle” by Joel Karekezi (Rwanda)

 Yennenga Silver Standard: “Karma” by Khaled Youssef (Egypt)

 Yennenga, bronze stallion: “Fatwa” by Mahmoud Ben Mahmoud (Tunisia)

 Oumarou Ghanda Prize for Best Work: “Until the end of the era” by Yamina Chouikh (Algeria)

 Best Editing Award: “Mabata Bata” by Joan Luis Sol Carvaloh (Mozambique)

 Prize for the best decoration: “Desrances” by Appoline Traoré (Burkina Faso)

 Best Music Film: Jahmil Xt Qubeka’s Sew the winter to may skin (South Africa)

 Best sound album: “Karma” and Khaled Youssef (Egypt)

 Award for Best Picture: “Mabata Bata” by Joan Luis Sol Carvaloh (Mozambique)

 Prize for the second best script: “Kétéké” by Peter Sedufia (Ghana)

 Award for Best First Screenplay: “Watch” by Nejib Belkadhi (Tunisia)

 Prize for the best female performance: Samantha Mugotsia in the movie “Rafiki” (Kenya)

 Prize for Best Male Performance: Marc Zinga in the movie “The Mercy of the Jungle” (Rwanda)

 Fiction short films

 Golden Glove: “Black Mamba” by Amel Guellaty (Tunisia)

 Silver pot: “A place on the spot” by Khadidiatou Sow (Senegal)

 Bronze Colt: “A Kora’s Air” by Angele Diabang (Senegal)

 Documentary feature films

 Bronze Stallion: “Whispering truth to power” by Shameela Seedat (South Africa)

 Silver Stallion: “At the time the Arabs danced” by Jawad Rhalib (Morocco)

 Standard of Sold: “The wolf of Balolé” from Aïcha Boro Leterrier (Burkina Faso)

 Documentary Shorts

 Gold Bucket: “Against All Types” by Charity Resiam Nampaso and Andréa Iannetta (Kenya / Italy)

 Pot of Silver: “Thus Fela spoke” by Nantenaira Lova (Madagascar)

 Brass Pot: “TataMilousa” by Nadjia Harek (Algeria / France)

 African Television Series

 First Prize: “Little stories, great truths” from Ambrose Cooke (Ghana)

 Second Prize: “Bloc” by Melyou AkréLoba Diby (Côte d’Ivoire)

 Animated Movies

 First Prize of Animation: “Briska” by Nadia Raïs (Tunisia)

 Second Prize: “A kalabanda to eat duties” by Raymond Maliinga (Uganda)

 Jury Prize: “Da Fsysy da” by Tojo Niaina Rajaofera (Madagascar)

 Films of African Film Schools

 First prize: “Malentès” by Jaures Koukpemedji (Benin)

 Second Prize: “Retirement house” by Ismaël Césaire Kafando (Burkina Faso)

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