Episode 4 of the Glo Battle of the Year Nigeria airs this Saturday and there will be a dramatic switch from BBoys to BGirls as the female contestants take their turn in the qualifying rounds.
But the switch notwithstanding, viewers will be in for the same heady cocktail they have come to expect on the Glo sponsored reality tv show; mesmerizing dance moves, dance floor drama, and the joys and pains of victory and loss respectively.
The focus in Episode 4 is on Break dancing girls, aka BGirls and they bring fire to the dance floor. From Abuja, all the way to Lagos the ladies make clear that when it comes to break dancing, men do not have exclusive preserve.
Show host, Do2Tun shares the same sentiments as he quips in the intro: “If you ever doubted the talent of the BGirls, after this episode you will be a believer.”
Log onto GloTv, Globacoms streaming app at 8 pm on Saturday to find out what happens when BGirl Angel steps on the dance floor to do battle with BGirl Cindy in the Lagos qualifiers.
Witness the palpable relief as BGirl Vibe is told she doesn’t have to do a final battle against BGirl Cruxy in order to make it to the Lagos finals. Then listen to her express her appreciation to Glo for providing her a platform to launch her career. “Whether I win or not, taking part in Glo Battle of the Year is already a big step.”
Aside from the BGirls, viewers will be treated to head-turning popping moves by poppers from the six venues as they battle to make their way to Lagos.
As with all competitions, there will be winners and losers but the judges’ decisions are not final. You, the viewer, have the power to alter those decisions. All you have to do is visit www.globotynigeria.com to vote for your favorite contestant who didn’t make it past the regional qualifications.
And for those viewers who can bust a move, Glo is spreading the cheer. Post your dance video on social media – Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook- add the hashtag #GloBattleOfTheYear and tag a glo social media handle and you and your fellow dancers could win N200,000 weekly.
So, download GloTv, keep watching, keep dancing and start winning.