An Ed Sheeran fan who was diagnosed with aggressive ovarian cancer has revealed that the British pop singer donated his guitar to help fund treatment for a last-chance drug.
Actor Suzie Aries, 28, Hornchurch in Essex has been crowdfunding to pay for life-changing treatment for her rare type of ovarian cancer not available on the NHS. She says that four cycles in. Also, she is cancer-free for the longest time yet as reported by The Daily Mail.
Aries said, however, it really surprised her when Ed Sheeran, an artiste she is a huge fan of, donated to her cause. She said:
“I was absolutely flabbergasted and honoured that my favourite artiste, Ed Sheeran, would donate so generously to my cause. I would very much like to meet him one day to thank him in person.”

Following three rounds of surgery, six cycles of chemotherapy, and a drug trial that stopped working; the performer had just one option an immunotherapy drug.
But as the cancer was so rare, the drug was not classified as a standard treatment and was not available on the NHS.
Suzie became resistant to standard chemotherapy and is receiving treatment at The Royal Marsden. According to her, the funding for the drug will take her through to November; giving her the best chance of keeping her rare form of ovarian cancer at bay.
Now, she raised awareness of the disease for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month in March. Aries also says the responses for the crowdfunding have overwhelmed her.