Home Fashion & Style Domino’s Lover Creates Dress From Pizza Boxes

Domino’s Lover Creates Dress From Pizza Boxes


A fashion student has made a dress out of pizza boxes as part of her final year project and it looks pretty good.

Fauve Wright, is a fashion course student at Northumbria University, is a fan of Domimos, Pizza retailing brand, and instead of throwing the boxes away like most of us, she had an artistic idea.

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The student, who’s in her final year of a fashion communication course, is also a keen fashion photographer. Nearing the end of her degree when the Covid-19 pandemic struck, Wright had to think of a new idea for her final project.

She explained to Metro UK: “With Domino’s being such an iconic brand, and my go-to takeaway, I had a lightbulb moment when my family recently had a pizza party.
“I kept the pizza boxes and put them to good use by making a skirt. Due to coronavirus, I’ve had to utilise materials to make all my garments, so this seemed like a perfect way to upcycle. ‘Pizza boxes are harder to work with than you’d imagine!”

According to Fauve Wright, it took her a day to make the Domino’s skirt. Once created, she took the photos in her bedroom with sister Tiny as the model.

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