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Coming off the Deep End, a book review

Coming off the Deep End, a book review
Book: Out of the depths.
Author:Funmilayo Oyefusi.
Reviewer: Ifunenya Isoje

It is quite a sad reality that in life, we must face different trials and tribulations. Sometimes, they break us but more often than not, we come out stronger and wiser, even though that is never obvious to us at the outset.

Out of the depths of such experiences, Funmilayo Oyefusi, a Human Resource and Organizational development specialist in practice for close to three decades, brings to light the journey and hurdles to her Becoming.

Resilience, which is the capabiliity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness is shown throughout this story as the writer takes us through every stumbling block she had to experience and through every temptation and obstacle she had to cross through. Faith, which is simply belief, belief that things will be better, belief that there is light at the end of the tunnel is another common theme you come across in this book, aptly entitled: Out of the depths

In this book, Oyefusi delivers a profound and chilling story that allows you question all that you know, all that you have lived by and all you have seen. And as the author says in the foreword, it is a story that is still so ‘real’. The story shows us how demeaning society can be, the struggles it puts the woman through simply because she is a woman, who even becomes worse off  when she is a single mother. It exposes  the double standards which have women making whatever sacrifices they have to just to provide for their families or make a name for themselves and their children.

As you dig into Out of the depths it, proves to be a timeless book as you discover that all the issues that the author grappled with years back remain the experience of today’s woman. The book also shows us the importance of Faith and Resilience, pushing through whatever the circumstance is, not taking no for an answer, not allowing society to treat you differently simply because you are a woman, not allowing yourself become a victim of the society you live in and believing that it will all be better and worth it in the end.

The writer employs the storytelling technique through the lens of fictional characters to drive home her points and that makes it more effective and relatable. It also makes the  much easier and fun to read as she takes her readers through every pain, joy, shock, disappointment, surprise, pride, disappointment that brought her out of the depths and leaves you asking yourself, “what next??”

In this story, Oyefusi also deals with a lot of unhealthy beliefs that society has plagued us with as women. The book unveils some eureka moments where you realise that you have in fact been brought up to live promote the subjection of your potential. For instance, does the live of a woman start and end with getting married and raising a family; must you spent the rest of your life catering to the need of your children to the detriment of your career?

The book also discusses the issues of discrimination in the work place, the subjection of women to lower remuneration  when they play the same role and even work harder than their male counterparts. She encourages anyone passing through challenges like this not to give up, continue to be at their best and rest assured that their hardwork will bear them out.

However, there are chances that message the author wanted to pass across to readers who be lost on those who cannot read between the lines  and draw lessons from them the stories in the book. The could have listed specific objectives of each of the stories she told for easier comprehension and more effectiveness. Nevertheless, this is a book that should be read by anyone who is interested in playing a part in a world that is fair and just to all. This book will take you a a new journey of self reflection and on return, make you feel safe.

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