Home Showbiz Movies 5 movie sequels that were way worse than the original

5 movie sequels that were way worse than the original

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Have you ever watched a movie sequel that made you wonder “who asked for this”? Have you ever said to yourself, “they could have just left it at the original”? Me too. Here are 5 movie sequels that were so much worse than the original.

1. Wedding Party 2

Wedding Party 2 was just a cash-grab in my opinion because there was no reason why it should have been the way it was. The first movie was lovely, hilarious, and profitable and since fans loved it so much, the producers thought they should try and milk that cow again.

But with the repulsive display of opulence, forced humour, unnecessary characters, and the most anticlimactic climax ever, Wedding Party 2 went down in my books as one of the worst sequels of all time.

2. Mean Girls 2

The 2004 original Mean Girl is pop culture canon and produced fashion trends and slangs. The second one, not so much. It was clear that Tina Fey’s brilliant writing had nothing to do with this straight-to-DVD cheap knock-off. The mean girls weren’t intimidating, the conflicts were very dumb and tone-deaf, the outfits were boring, and the movie seemed to have been written by a bunch of middle-aged men that have no idea what teenage girls like or do.

3. Glass
movie sequels

The final instalment of M. Night Shyamalan’s trilogy, Glass could have been a great culmination of the story; the presumed villain being nothing but collateral damage and the real villain’s identity and plot revealed. But the whole movie was ruined when the indomitable hero was drowned in a puddle. A PUDDLE. SERIOUSLY?

4. The Godfather: Part III
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After making two of the most memorable movies ever, director Francis Ford Coppola tried to go for the hat trick. And though the (presumably) final feature-length tale of the Corleone family has grown in acceptance over the years, it still is hard to watch.

5. The Hangover Part II
movie sequels

The Hangover sequel is in the same group chat with Wedding Party 2, a studio forcing a hit into a franchise. Part 2 pretty much goes through the same jokes as the first one but this time set in Thailand. Honestly, the movie really has no reason to exist and neither does the useless Part 3.

What movie sequels do you hate with all your heart? Comment them down below.

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